Good examples. The CCP benefits when otherwise normal people go off the deep end. Much easier to dismiss the actual horrors when people are promoting extreme fiction.

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'No, don't you see - this abhorrent practice originated in the repressive Chinese regime then supported by the US, not the repressive Chinese regime then supported by the USSR!'

The problem isn't Communism; it's East Asians being extremely cruel to animals. That said, Communism does seem to make it worse.

And 'we have abattoirs too' is the worst kind of shitlib whataboutism. China doesn't even have any animal rights legislation at all. Korea didn't gain it until the early 2000s, which is when they stopped burying pigs alive to deal with swine flu (China still does this every year). The West doesn't harvest bear bile. Nobody in the West is eating live mice.

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So yea that yin yang fish thing originated in Taiwan but has apparently been banned for some time

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The way China's Social Credit system is discussed by the western commentariat is so divorced from the actual reality of the SC system, as it operates at the moment, that you have to then consider what else they are completely clueless about.

Patrick Winn's 'Hello, Shadowlands,' among pieces on Burmese Narco-Militias and Phillipine abortion pills, has an interesting chapter on the Vietnamese dog-meat (and dog-kidnapping) business.

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