Oct 31, 2022Liked by Ben Sixsmith

The real mystery isn't why no one under 40 (I'd have guessed 50, actually) listens to Stern, it's why anyone older than a high school sophomore does.

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Good piece.

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Stern's descent into irrelevancy is very indicative of the entire boomer generation themselves. The Boomer's seem to be the first generation who not only refuse to step down and allow in new ideas / new blood but seem to actively seek to sacrifice the young for the *very* short term of the old.

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Howard is a misogynist through and through (he had a game where raw meat was thrown at scantily clad women - likening them to pieces of meat and the crowd loved it). Leftist celebrities that hangout with Stern obviously don’t care about the damage he’s done to women and we all know that Hollywood will turn a blind eye to hate and misogyny as long as they are profiting from the relationship.

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What the hell is wrong with his wife agreeing to be locked down with this lizard.

She must be nuts too.

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He embodies the jewish influence in our mainstream culture. Starts out as cool and rebellious, but was really just degenerate, anti-Christian, toilet humor the whole time.

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Why this ass is given a free pass by the nerds on the left amazes. He would have women on his show, co hosted by the dyke and 'ba ba louie', and sniff their crotches up close and tell them if they were on their period or not. Fact check me. This perv gets a free pass from the AOC's and Pocahontas Karens. Unbelievable.

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He became what he is by being a Jewish kid who was beat up by all the Black guys at his schools.

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He says he has a black belt in martial arts, right.

Looks like he would drop from the swish of a missed punch.

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I’d like to rip the wig off his head and throw it in a wood chipper.

Ugly SOB

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Stern was always human cancer. He's a product of the closed, pre-internet, media culture. He wouldn't have had a shot today and is only followed by old ghouls with from another time who listen to Styx..

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Always thought Stern was simply a potty-mouthed narcissist, taking advantage of the "into the sewer" years of American culture.

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Stern was always a part of the mainstream. That's how he was able to do the sort of show he did and not get canceled or even thrown into prison for " harassment " or " hate crimes". The bad boy, leftwing libertarian act was just that.

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Howe stern what can I say, I did listen to his show off and on in the 90s but I always felt dirty doing so. I was trapped in a truck 10 hrs a day working and he was a funny break sometimes in a boring job but like all guilty pleasures the illness of the product ate at my soul, after listening to him making fun of the likes of “Gary the Re___d “and other mentally challenged callers I couldn’t listen anymore I couldn’t justify my attention to him or his show and now to me, he “is” who he made fun of for all those years, A joke

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His youthful rebellion against the mainstream was calculated: he understood it as a way to attain wealth and fame.

His retreat to and alliance with the mainstream was, in retrospect, predictable: he understands it's necessary to retain wealth and fame.

He disappointed so many because they refused to see the obvious: there was always less to the man than met the eye (or the ear, as it were).

If elevator music could speak it'd sound like today's Howard Stern.

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Stern is nothing more than a filthy loser who got lucky. His days in the sun are over. Sure, he's rich, but he's a miserable POS that will die alone and friendless. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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